Meet the Staff
Board Of Directors
Bridget White, President
Kim Marshall, Vice-President
Katie Hug, Treasurer
Elizabeth Sheehan, Secretary
Miranda Backes
Katie Brenneke
Lynda Cornejo
Julie Gates
Pam Gentry
Bob Gilbert
Doug Otto
Greg Phillips
Dale Struemph
Julie Wilson
Mary Winter
Board Advisory Members
Bill Deeken
Kelly Jackson
Vicki Myers
Mike Prenger
Mike Ryno
Eric Wilde
Ex-Officio Members
Kathy Farmer
John Landwehr
Melva Dean Lipsey
*This project was supported by funding made available through the Victims of Crime Act Fund administered by the Missouri Department of Social Services, Office of the Director. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice programs.